
The Promise, Passion, and Pitfalls
of Imperfectly Ever After.



The Promise, Passion, and Pitfalls
of Imperfectly Ever After


What people are saying...

  • Sherry Cassedy, prominent family lawyer, mediator, and marriage teacher, lifts the veil of silence to engage in conversation with couples across the spectrum of love. Weaving the vulnerable story of her own marriage with insights from her decades of work in the trenches of marriage and divorce, Marriage Unveiled offers essential information and inspiration for the marriage journey. Her compelling personal story, invaluable professional insight, and practical resources provide the support and guidance to refresh your marriage with understanding and romance.

Threshold Resources

  • Creative Marriage

    Marriage is an age-old institution but each couple wants to create a personalized wedding ceremony to express their individual values. Whether cross-cultural, inter-religious or more traditional, the couple will be able to craft a ceremony that speaks to the heart of their union.

  • Constructive Divorce

    Marital separation and divorce, although difficult, can be more constructive when the couple is supported in working collaboratively to resolve their differences. Sherry provides divorce education and mediation and private judging service.


 Composing a marriage is a constant act of creation, 

a weaving, a dance, an evolving art form, 

constantly adjusting and adapting to the flow of life, 

to the unknown.

It is my hope that knowing we are all muddling through, doing the best we can and having moments of brilliance, managing the depths and touching the promise, offers you encouragement and consolation in composing your marriage. Perhaps, over time or at moments, we may recognize that with our eyes wide open to the imperfections of ourselves, our partner, and our marriage, we have arrived at the original promise of happily ever after. We are content with our choice; we have lived that choice to its fullest potential.



Marriage Unveiled is now out in Audiobook, narrated by Sherry herself telling her story and sharing her wisdom. Free on Amazon with Audible subscription.

You can listen to the sample excerpt here.

New Podcast with Open to Hope

What's Loss got to do with it?


I had just gotten serious about writing my book on Marriage when we lost our youngest son. At age 20, Tim was a vibrant, intelligent, athletic, and determinedly cool kid. A tragic skateboard fall ended all of that. And stopped my writing in its tracks. How could I write about marriage when my son had just died?

Ten years later as I again got serious about writing my book on Marriage, I didn't plan to include much about our loss and grief; that seemed somehow off topic. As I wrote and as friends read and encouraged me to go deeper, I began to see the significance of our profound loss and shared grief to our marriage journey. My chapter on grief, entitled "The Depths," took shape as an essential integration of everything that had gone before.

In this podcast with Open to Hope, I share about that chapter of our marriage, the shock of losing our son, our very separate griefs, and its impact on our marriage. One of my dear early readers said, "I would hate to think that you and Matt did not survive Tim's death." To which I had to think, "Did we?"

The podcast airs Thursday, October 20, on Open to Hope and will continue to be accessible to listen free of charge. Listen here.

The death of a child is perhaps the most difficult challenge we face and it is even more difficult on a marriage. If you know of someone walking this treacherous ground, please share this post/link with them, as we are all simply walking each other home.

Marriage Unveiled is available on in paperback, ebook and audiobook on Amazon, Audible, and other sites.


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Subscribe and receive a chance to win a free copy of the audiobook, Marriage Unveiled. One copy will be awarded the first of each month. Plus a FREE excerpt from Marriage Unveiled, Chapter 2, The Muck. Subscribers will receive updates and notice of future offerings about every 8 weeks.


Sherry is a best-selling author, Again!

The Musical Imprint combines stories from several authors of powerful moments connected to song. In her chapter, Sherry shares about the deep resonance of music in her grief journey. From the early ethereal dirge, to soothing consolation, to hard-rocking anger, back to sweet remembrance, music offered a direct channel to the heart of grief.

Kindle version available on Amazon for $4.99
