Living Marriage:
A Retreat for the Soul
of Your Marriage

The Retreat will feature a practical and inspirational talk by Sherry Cassedy about Living Marriage exploring the practical, the interpersonal, and the sacred aspects of living a married life.

  • Marriage is not static. It is as much a verb as noun, constantly changing, evolving, returning, challenging and surprising. Living Marriage speaks to the dynamic of marriage.

  • Marriage has many dimensions, Body, Soul, and Spirit. Body, the physical day to day joys and struggles of family, work, home, daily tasks and interactions. Soul, living in relationship, learning about another person, communicating and negotiating likes and dislikes, priorities and life principles. How our life and personal growth is entwined with another’s life and growth. Spirit, the moments that transcend the sum of the parts, when Spirit enters in.

  • The Soul of the Marriage is the center, the deepest point of connection. The fate and alchemy that drew you together. The deepest knowing of oneself and the other, the point where they converge. The grace of living marriage.

    The Retreat will also allow time for individual and couple reflection. We will share a practice for communicating and listening to one another with an open heart. Couples will have private time to practice this method or otherwise share together.

    We will gather together in the chapel with Deacon Joe DePage for a renewal of your wedding vows. This ritual will bless your ongoing commitment, not simply reciting, but truly renewing the promise of your marriage.

    The retreat is intentionally brief recognizing the many practical pulls on your time. Please join us and take advantage of this valuable opportunity to enrich, nurture, and celebrate your marriage.

“The world needs you to live this life-long communion of body, mind and spirit well, so that it may understand the
life-giving love of God and that future generations may become capable of receiving and sharing His love.”

Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco, at the February 4, 2023 Mass and renewal of vows.