Primer: California Divorce Videos

Approaching Marital Dissolution Videos

Also available as DVD: The Smart Divorce (Click here for purchase link)

If you are considering divorce, there are many critical decisions to be made early on that can significantly impact your experience including the level of conflict, the cost, and the impact on you and your children.  Take time at the beginning to educate yourself and make smart choices about how to proceed with divorce.

In this series of short videos, Ms. Cassedy will talk you through the early decisions to be made and the pros and cons of each process from Do-It-Yourself and Mediation to Attorney Representation and Litigation.  What you don’t know can hurt you and your family and cost you unnecessary expense, both financial and emotional.  These videos will help you to become an educated consumer of divorce-related services.

1.  Starting Divorce Process 

Orientation to divorce in California, including starting divorce, choosing resources and process, protecting children and finances.  With Dr. Sullivan, Ph.D. on co-parenting and impact on children, and Justice King (Ret.) on conflict resolution. (7:08 mins.)

2. Children & Divorce

How to protect children in divorce with Dr. Sullivan, Ph.D. explaining process of coming to agreements for children including co-parenting, mediation and Parenting Coordination. (3:31 mins.)

3. Divorce Resolution Continuum

Ms. Cassedy describes the range of processes for resolving divorce disputes from do-it-yourself to full litigation with the pros and cons of each. How to choose the best process for your situation. (12:44 mins.)

4. Divorce Mediation

Ms. Cassedy explains mediation process in divorce and pros and cons of both children and financial issues. (3:33 mins.)

5. Attorney Representation in Divorce

How to find and work with a divorce attorney from negotiation and settlement to litigation. Also how to manage the attorney client relationship in divorce. Attorneys fee structure. Comments by Justice King (Ret.) on Mediation. (11:22 mins.)

6. Divorce Process Conclusion

Ms. Cassedy wraps up the discussion of how to approach divorce in California to keep conflict in check, to minimize impact on the children and to best utilize resources for resolution. (1:51 mins.)