Living marriage:
A Retreat for the Soul
of your Marriage


New Date!

Sunday, May 7,
3:00 to 5:30 p.m.
at Villa Maria Del Mar, Santa Cruz, CA.

This afternoon retreat includes an inspirational talk and practical tools, guided couple time, and a renewal of your wedding vows in the Villa's Chapel. In honor of World Marriage Day, take this time for you and your partner's soul care and refreshment on your journey of marriage.

Fuller description here.

Presented by Sherry Cassedy, JD, MA.
Co-sponsored by the Diocese of Monterey.

Sherry Cassedy is an author, speaker, lawyer/mediator, and lay minister of marriage preparation and support. She has worked with marriage from all angles in addition to her own 40+ year marriage. Her top-selling book, Marriage Unveiled, The Promise, Passion, and Pitfalls of Imperfectly Ever After, will be available and is a valuable resource for navigating your marriage journey.

Deacon Joe DePage was ordained in 2019 and serves the people of Holy Cross Parish. Inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi, Deacon Joe seeks God's presence in the woods and shores of Santa Cruz. Deacon Joe and his wife Anne will celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary this summer. They both enjoy reading, travel, vintage clothing, collecting vinyl, and eating tacos. Deacon Joe will conduct the Blessing and Renewal of vows in the Villa’s chapel.

The Villa offers a perfect location for reflective time together with expansive ocean views. 

Cost: $30 per couple.

For couples who want to take advantage of a full weekend retreat at the Villa, pricing for rooms is available at

Living Marriage Retreat

Living Marriage Retreat